If you are interested in a highway or fencing project or have any questions about guardrail repair or installation, we have qualified commercial general contractors that would love to help you! Some of our clients include PennDOT, DelDOT, Maryland State Highway, and other government agencies.

Collinson Inc. is a recognized leader in the installation of wood guide rail systems and provides guardrail repair contractors and commercial general contractors for your highway projects. We take pride in our ability to complete heavy and highway size, large volume projects from state transportation departments. We are also proud of our smaller projects requiring special material or custom design features on a local or individual level. Additionally, we maintain a large inventory of standard highway galvanized materials from pre-approved vendors within our regions of operation. Finally, we provide minimal turnaround times on many specialty projects. These factors combine to allow us to complete your project no matter the size, volume, or custom designs needed. The Collinson family installs complex fence systems and provides quick and strong guardrail repair. Our highly-qualified contractors have offered their skills for five generations going back to the late 1800’s. Collinson commercial general contractors install quality fence systems supplied by approved vendors capable of meeting job material specifications. Most of our vendors are pre-approved to supply to various state and government agencies in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. For over two decades, Collinson, Inc. and its contractors have improved the regions’ infrastructures through the installation of the most complex highway sign structures from Maryland through Pennsylvania and Delaware. Collinson commercial general contractors can install and maintain roadside signs of all shapes and sizes, as well as traffic control and safety signage on private property.Guide Rail Systems
Complex Fence Systems
Highway Signs